Hi Point Firearms Serial Number Location
Hi-Point® Firearms. Mansfield, Ohio USA. Softether client. 1015 Springmill Rd, Mansfield, Ohio 44906. Copyright 2017. Hi-Point® Firearms, Inc.
Hi Point Firearms Serial Number Locations
I have a JC, and the number IS on the side of the frame.I can't imagine WHY HP would change the number, and then, stamp a new one in a different location? However, if the gun HAS a number, and you got a receipt with that number from the dealer, you are legal. I think.:thinking: Just make sure you keep that receipt safe.copy it, snap a digital pic and keep it in several places.and you might call mom about it, just to see what they say. If you don't have a receipt with the number.GET ONE!!!!!:cantlook. I live in n/e ohio. Few yrs back nawspaper listed at least 75-100 guns of all makes and sizes. Said if you have anything missing like these come to sherrif office.
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