Fisica O Chimica Streaming Episodi

Posted on by admin

I can't say I'm as enthusiastic about the show as the other two reviewers. Yes, I loved the show, at least for the first four or five seasons. As with all shows that run as long as FoQ (7 seasons), characters come and go, and I just liked the characters and plot lines of the first four or five seasons a lot more than the last few. That said, I still love show. What strikes me most about it is just how similar American and Spanish teenagers are: all the same dramas, conflicts, emotional issues, romances, flirtations, and jealousies.

  1. Fisica O Chimica Streaming
  2. Fisica O Chimica Streaming Episodi

Yes, the characters in Fisica o Quimica speak a different language, and you do note some cultural differences (Spaniards seem to be a lot more direct or blunt than Americans, for one), but the highs & lows & in betweens are amazingly similar. I do agree with the other reviewers about the quality of the acting. The cast is really first-rate. With so many young actors, you'd think there would be a lot of really lousy actors on the show, but hardly a dud in the bunch.

Fisica O Chimica Streaming

Fisica O Chimica Streaming Episodi

Da subito la giovane isabel si mostra allergica alle convenzioni e ribelle.

Fisica O Chimica Streaming Episodi

Both the older generation (teachers) and younger (students) are played by a top-notch cast. A lot of the writing is simply superb, so much so that I find myself re-watching certain scenes over and over again. But I found some of the writing a bit forced, as if they were constantly injecting drama into every possible situation, so much so that a number of the conflicts feel contrived. I would have liked to see a bit more humor and a bit less roller-coaster drama. In the end, this show is definitely worth your time.